Nefertiti Queen of Egypt
Nefertiti is known
for her elegant beauty. Her bust has been an icon for many women
and for many modern cosmetic lines. Many societies around the
world have adopted the queen as a symbol of true beauty. Some
historians have even proclaimed her the most beautiful woman in
the world. Whatever people have said about her, one thing holds
true—she remains renowned for her beauty after her death and
during her life as a queen.
Nefertiti's Reign
alongside Akhenaten during the eighteenth dynasty
BC). Nefertiti means, “The beautiful one has arrived.”
She lived
in Tell El Amarna, a city constructed by the pharaoh to
their god Aten. There, they safeguarded their family and
beliefs—it became the center of Egypt’s new religion.
believed that Nefertiti was probably a distant relative
to Akhenaten and a favorite queen to the pharaoh. Nothing is known
about the queen’s childhood and no evidence has yielded
who her
parents are. Some believe her father could be Aye due to
inscriptions found inside his tomb proclaiming him the
father of
her sister Mutnodjmet.
During her
reign as queen, Egypt went about many radical religious
changes. Hundreds of years of culture and worship had been
exchanged for a new radical concept— Monotheism. The old gods
had been disregarded, temples shut down, and priests forced to
change their ways. Many historians believe this transition could
have been hostile and was not adopted so easily by the citizens
or priests.
Her reign with Akhenaten was unlike the traditional ways Egypt had seen. She was more than just a typical queen and helped to promote Akhenaten’s views. Her reign was only 12 years, but she was perhaps one of the most powerful queens to ever rule. Supporting her husbands’ beliefs she changed her name to Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti meaning, “The Aten is radiant of radiance [because] the beautiful one has come.” Her importance was greatly valued by Akhenaten and he went to great lengths to show her as his counterpart. As queen, she took on powerful roles and showed herself in ways only Egyptian kings did. For example, she was often shown with the crown of a pharaoh or was depicted in scenes of battle smiting her enemies. Akhenaten valued her so much, that he also allowed her to practice that art of priesthood and she too was allowed to make offerings to Aten.
Many Egyptologists
believe that perhaps Akhenaten was born with deformities that
hindered his role as king. One of the ailments that was believed
he had was bad vision. This illness could have made his job
difficult, in turn, he could have put trust into Nefertiti
allowing her to decide many important matters. He trusted her so
much, that he went as far as placing her name next to his in his
royal cartouche. This was very unique and could have symbolized
her as equal status next to Akhenaten.
Other depictions
show the couple side by side often with their children in a
utopic fashion. In one stela, found in Tell el Amarna, the
couple is seated together. Akhenaten is giving his daughter an
earring while his wife Nefertiti has the other two daughters on
her lap. In this depiction, the queen is having a wonderful time
and is shown in a loving manner with her husband and children.
Both are shown as equal counterparts in their status and family
The Disappearance of Nefertiti
The first theory
suggests she became unfavorable to Akhenaten. During her reign
as queen she had six daughters. All were cherished, expect a
male heir was needed to inherit the throne. Possibly Akhenaten
worried a son would never be born and he looked else ware, in
turn, dismissing Queen Nefertiti.
The second theory
suggests she became co-regent to Akhenaten and helped him rule
Egypt. After she disappears from historical records, a new
co-regent is recorded to rule with Akhenaten by the name of
Smenkhare. Many have decaled Smenkhare to be Nefertiti and
believe she went to great lengths similar to that of Hatshepsut—dressing
as male to be accepted as a pharaoh.
The final theory
suggests that she could have tried to save the throne by marring
a foreign king. Sometime during the end of the Amarna Period a
stone tablet recorded the death of the king; this was sent to
the Hittites. The queen who had the tablets prepared asked for
the king to send a son to Egypt so she may be married.
requested it be prompt as she did not want to marry any
servants. The king of the Hittites did send a son, but he was
assonated on his journey to marry the queen. This theory has
been tied to both Nefertiti and Though we’ll
never know what
happened to the queen she will forever remain a mystery. Her
body has never been found. Possibly somewhere beneath the sands
her body has been hidden by Egyptian priests. Somewhere she
might be buried in a tomb that was created to hide her last
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